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The earliest users of tea are two countries
India and China. Tea also plays a very significant part in social rituals of Japan. In current periods green tea has engrossed a lost of attention due to many health benefits attributed to it. Green Tea is a very versatile beverage and the preparation depends on your preferred taste. There are many recipes to make a wonderful blend but the most prehistoric way if by directly brewing the leaves and drinking the tea. Other than enjoyment
Green Tea also provides energy and vigor. It's a great drink for a lazy afternoon. In smaller doses it actually works wonder as it boosts the energy and reduces anxious feeling. During office tea breaks instead of a normal coffee or tea switch over to Green Tea
so that you are fully energized. You can also keep sipping Green Tea and even loose weight
doesn't that sound cool?

Green tea supplements are especially prevalent in the weight loss industry and in products
which are promoted as containing antioxidants. Obtainable in many forms
the use of green tea for weight loss is believed to be one of the greatest natural 'calorie burning' finds made by science so far. Green tea can allow a person to gain greater overall health; it is not just a case of green tea helping you to lose weight. Sometimes you will find ginseng is mixed with green tea to improve its properties and effectiveness. Considered to be the root of life in China and Tibet
ginseng root brings the vitamin and mineral supplement the body needs during a detoxification period.

People who drink green tea are found to have lower LDL cholesterol levels and higher HDL cholesterol levels. One study conducted in animals suggests that polyphenols may help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by intestines thus helping in the excretion of cholesterol from body. Green tea has also been found to be beneficial for the liver. It helps control the damaging effect of alcohol on it. People who drink green tea are found to have lower incidence of liver diseases. Nature seems to have a cure for everything if you can find it and the health benefits of green tea are only just beginning to be understood.
