Article Coffee Tip

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What is the appeal of being an avid coffee drinker? I believe I have broken in down to three reasons. The first one obviously is the great taste of coffee. The second reason is the social factor that drinking coffee provides
and the third reason is that coffee allows us a time to refocus on our lives. I know
I can sense that most readers are rolling their eyes
but hear me out.

If you drink coffee once a week
or maybe two to three times a week
or maybe you’re like me and you drink coffee every day
by the way that would make you a coffee addict
then I’m sure we would all agree on this one statement. “We enjoy the taste of coffee.” We appreciate a great cup of rich
eye opening coffee. Humans have been enjoying the great taste of coffee for a thousand years so I believe this statement to be 100% accurate. If you disagree then you are probably not an avid coffee drinker.

By Nature
human beings are social creatures and coffee shops allow us to fulfill this need. Drinking coffee allows us to sit with friends and family and discuss various topics of our lives. Where else can you go and spend just a couple of bucks
for your coffee of choice and spend a good hour or so talking with good friends. Add a couple of comfortable chairs and pipe in some good music and you’re set.

Drinking coffee also gives us a time to take a few moments to refocus on our lives. If you are drinking a cup of coffee alone it gives us a few minutes of relaxation from this fast paced world. This is a perfect time when we can reflect on our past
and future. It might even be a time when we decide to make life changing decisions
such a career change
or having children.

I know there are many other reasons why people enjoy drinking coffee but these three seem to be the most important reasons. You may agree or disagree with these reasons but again I believe one reason to be true. We enjoy the taste of quality coffee.
