Article Coffee Tip

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I’ll bet you think that was a joke
don’t you? Everyone knows caffeine is supposed to be bad for you. You hear it all the time
and from a lot of different people
including doctors
so why would you want to use caffeine in conjunction with your exercise program? Before we completely dismiss the notion of caffeine as an exercise aid
consider the following.

Caffeine is one of the methyl derivatives of xanthine. Xanthines occur naturally in more than 60 plants and caffeine is the most potent of these and is found in coffee
many soft drinks and diet aids.

There is no doubt that caffeine works to help exercise performance. It is known to stimulate the central nervous system
mobilize various hormones that are involved in metabolic processes
improve muscle contraction
and improve the use of fats and carbohydrates for energy.

and this is a big but
how you use it is very important in whether you’ll get maximum performance benefits from it so take note of the results of numerous studies on the subject of caffeine use to enhance performance in order to fully understand how caffeine use can benefit your exercise program.
Here are the findings of those studies:

1. Explosive athletes who do short duration sports such as power-lifting
ECT. Do not appear to benefit from caffeine use.

2. Endurance athletes such as long distance cyclists
ECT. Can improve their performance with caffeine use.

3. Reaction time can be improved with caffeine use.

4. The best dose of caffeine is around 3.0 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight. Below that
little performance improvement is noted and above that
there will be a performance decrement.

5. An athlete who uses caffeine after abstaining from it for several days sees improved performance.

6. Fat loss with exercise is increased when caffeine is taken prior to exercise.

7. The half life of caffeine in your system is around 6 hours and its effects are of similar duration.

8. Caffeine intake results in increased alertness
reduced drowsiness and a reduced perception of fatigue.

With the above in mind
it would seem beneficial to use caffeine before exercise. Even those involved in powerlifting and sprinting can still benefit from the improved alertness and reaction time.

something to point out here is that there are those who do not respond well to caffeine. About 20% of the population will exhibit adverse effects to caffeine such as cardiac arrhythmias
excessive urination
withdrawal headaches and a type of anxiety called “caffeineism”. If you’re in the 20% who experience any of these effects from caffeine use
don’t use it! The benefits you get from it are not worth those side effects.

If you have ulcers you are cautioned against using caffeine because it causes a 400% increase in acid levels in the stomach.
The recommended dose of caffeine in coffee form is around two cups one hour before exercise.

The bottom line on using caffeine to help you perform better during exercise is
it does have its benefits
it should be used wisely and only you can determine whether or not it’s helping your exercise performance and if it’s right for you.
read more “Would You Like a Little Caffeine With Your Workout”

Earlier studies have shown that green tea motivates the immune system to fight disease. Research shows White Tea extract can really demolish in vitro the organisms that cause disease. Study after study with tea extract proves that it has many healing properties. This is not an old wives tale rather it's a fact!

White tea was more helpful than green tea at inactivating bacterial viruses. Results obtained with the bacterial virus
a model system; suggest that WTE may have an anti-viral effect on human pathogenic viruses. The addition of White Tea Extract to various toothpastes enhanced the anti-microbial effect of these oral agents.

White tea is tea made from leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis. The leaves are harvested while very young
and the buds are still covered in very fine
white hairs. These hairs are what give white tea its name. White tea is cultivated primarily in China
mainly in the mountainous and fertile Fujian province
where white tea has a long history. The bushes on which the white tealeaves are to be grown are the ones that are best placed with respect to sunshine and rain. The finest qualities of white tea
often called “Silver Needle”
consist exclusively of the buds of tealeaves. These buds are hand picked during certain days in the spring
usually between March 15th and April 10th. By that time
the buds have reached the perfect balance between youth and maturity that gives the best-tasting tea. The leaves and buds are withered over a few hours
and then air-dried. The temperature and even the air moisture are taken into consideration during the production
and the art is to get a perfect balance between solar withering and indoor withering.

We can drink tea every day and every season
hot tea in winter and ice-tea in summer. Nowadays tea is the part of life of each person. And sipping the tea makes this process ceremonial. Conversations over a cup of tea makes your mood better
clear your thoughts. In many countries tea even has its cultural events such as afternoon tea in London
tea ceremony in China or tea party almost in each country. If you like exotic way of drinking tea then prepare a cup of white tea that will help you to prepare it a good mood so that you can enjoy with your friends.
read more “White Tea Considered as One of the Most Expensive Tea in China”

When you stop at the convenience store or at a local coffee shop for your morning cup of coffee have you ever wondered how your cup of coffee came about? No
not how it was brewed but how it was that you are able to drink a cup of coffee. Sure
the coffee machine plays an important role in making your perfectly brewed cup of coffee
but just how did that coffee maker first come about
or how did the first person who ever sipped the first cup of coffee discover its magic?

Legend goes back to a lonely sheep herder in Ethiopia who noticed his sheep acting strangely every time they ate certain red berries from a certain bush. One has to wonder why he himself decided to give the berries a try. Well that is of no consequence because since that life altering decision man has been enjoying coffee in many different cultures
different countries and different places. Do you know they even drink coffee on the Space Shuttle? I wonder what kind of coffee machine they have.

The one million dollar question is exactly what makes a good cup of coffee? Does buying one of the best coffee makers lead to a great cup of coffee? Not necessarily.. Start with great coffee beans. You can even roast your own coffee beans with the Home coffee roaster machines. Roasting machines allow coffee drinkers to buy premium coffee beans at discount prices and roast them at home. The coffee drinker is in charge of the roasting level; medium or dark roast. Coffee drinkers also advise against buying pre-ground coffee
pre-grinding diminishes the coffee flavor and aroma. Apparently the best part of the coffee bean is found deep within it therefore pre-ground
once the package is opened loses that rich coffee aroma. Grinding your beans before you start percolating your coffee ensures you get the most out of the bean. Talking about grinding the beans there are also two types of coffee grinders; burr and blade grinders
both serve the purpose equally well
so the type of grinder you have does not affect your cup of coffee.

Shopping for coffee makers
There are three different types of coffee makers. There are filter coffee makers that basically drip hot boiling water over the ground coffee beans then filter the coffee over a disposable paper filter. Then there are the espresso/cappuccino coffee makers and finally the combination coffee makers that make both cappuccino and filter coffee. Choose a coffee machine that suits your needs. Take into consideration how much and how often you drink coffee. How much you are willing to spend on seeking the perfect cup of coffee. Remember to look online
you can find many discount coffee makers.

Whether you enjoy your coffee with or without cream or whether you enjoy a robust and flavorful cup of black coffee remember to thank that lowly sheep herder who took a risk and ate the first coffee bean.
read more “Which coffee maker Grinding out the answer.”

The days when we used to wake up in the morning
grab the morning newspaper
and brew up a wonderful cup of coffee
have started to disappear. Unless you're a morning person who can get out of bed hours before anyone else and somehow start the day without the typical morning rush then consider yourself one of the lucky one's. If anything
people are usually running around the house
getting the kids ready
getting themselves ready
and running out the door. Some days they manage to squeeze some time into the morning routine to roll through a drive-thru coffee stand or even worse
a fast-food restaurant
to pick up a cup of java. Or they can wait to get to the office where they brew up the cheapest stuff that their employer can get
as you load it down with cream and sugar. How can this be? How does what's supposed to be one of the most relaxing and satisfying routines of the day become part of the rat race.

As you probably know
coffee is 2nd most important commodity in the United States. Obviously
if you turn on your TV to watch the news you'll know what is first. But the coffee industry is big business
what you get at the fast food restaurant or at the office doesn't even touch on the quality that is out there. It's funny how anything that
doesn't come out of the can is considered gourmet coffee.
Gourmet coffee is not something that you can't buy at the
grocery store; the most expensive stuff there doesn't even
begin to touch on the quality that is available. Coffee
roasting has become an art form. In a day when big companies use computers to do the dirty work
small specialty companies are still doing it the old-fashioned way with their experience and their brains. Roastmasters spend years honing their craft
and their experience is what makes for a great cup of coffee. These companies rely on freshness and quality to compete with the big boys who stock the grocery store shelves or ship it out to your local drive thru. You won't see any of their commercials on TV
even real late at night when there is the cheapest air-time.
These specialty companies are successful simply based on their reputation. They work to get the highest grade beans from all over the world. They test everything to make sure the quality is as good as it gets. And then they baby it. Gourmet coffee is usually roasted in small batches to guarantee that nothing can go wrong. The time and
temperature is completely under their complete control
and experience tells them when the beans are roasted perfectly. Any imperfections and the beans are tossed out and a new batch begins. They can do anything with coffee. They can create the perfect blends
add the best flavors
and guarantee that you will get the best cup of coffee that you have ever tasted. They rely on word of mouth
and tasting competitions to get their name out there. In most situations the only way to place an order with them is through the internet. Gourmet Coffee sites are everywhere on the web
but it is often hard to determine where is the best place to go. If you want a head start jump to and read about some of the best gourmet coffee companies out there. And believe or not
most of their coffee costs no more that what you pay for a bag of beans at the supermarket that have been sitting around for a couple of months. But best part about it is that you can have all of this in the comfort of your own home. This may give you the little extra that you need to get out of bed in the morning.
read more “What Happened to Coffee”

People drink coffee to stay awake and get more things done. But how can you get more things done if you’re waiting around for your coffee to brew. Oh sure you can go buy a cup of coffee but at some point you going to want a cup at home. With a coffee pod maker you’re only 30 seconds away from an excellent cup of coffee.

Senseo was one of the first coffee pod makers available. And having sold more than 10 million units in four years Senseo is definitely here to stay. A coffee pod looks just like a round tea bag. It works like this. You fill the coffee maker with water
place a coffee pod in the receptacle
hit the button and thirty seconds later you have a great cup of coffee. A patented method that uses a special spray head and mild pressure to balance the ratio of coffee to water while brewing creates a rich frothy cup of coffee.

If you’re looking for great tasting coffee that’s convenient and time saving then try pod coffee. Coffee pods are available in different brew strengths including dark roast
medium roast and mild roast. You can usually buy a package of 72 coffee pods for less than twenty dollars. Since you can also buy a 33 oz can of coffee grinds for about five to 10 dollars at the supermarket
coffee pods are not for budget minded coffee drinkers. That large can will definitely contain a lot more than 72 cups of coffee. But remember you’re paying a premium for a no mess
no measuring
easy cleanup
ready in thirty seconds
cup of a coffee. For some people that’s money well spent.

Cleanup is a breeze
just discard the pod. Since the coffee grinds are enclosed in a pod instead of a filter there’s less of a chance of spilling them all over your kitchen floor. The pod receptacle is even dishwasher safe.

Another reason to buy a coffee pod maker
especially a Senseo
is that the machines are so good looking. They are sleek
stylish and will look great on your countertop.

Coffee isn’t just for breakfast anymore
it’s an all day long affair. Why not make coffee pods part of your daily routine?
read more “What Are Coffee Pods”

Coffee is the number one breakfast drink the world over. There are very few places that do not serve this staple and that is a very good thing to say the least. So many people depend on this drink for that bit of energy in the morning to get through the day and of course there is some big business when it comes to coffee and the coffee maker. The business that surrounds this part of the world is big and more and more people are trying to get in on it. This means that there is more than enough competition to make the best in coffee maker products that the world has seen. This is an important thing to a good many people as the coffee maker is the number one appliance in their home.

Bunn is the best-selling coffee maker currently on the market. For a good many years the company was not making products for the home
but instead only those for the many businesses that served the drink. This has all changed as the Bunn company has seen the demand for their top quality coffee maker products for the home. This has brought new levels of financial stability to the company and they are enjoying the success overall.

Senso makes a great coffee maker as well and they are second only to Bunn in terms of quality and sales. This is normal when you see the many products that they offer. Some of the finest makers are brought out by this company and there are a good many people who make the best coffee with them. They are a staple in the restaurants across the world as well.

Cuisinart is a big name in the small home appliance world and their coffee makers make that statement as well. While they have not always been in this business
they are making a mark across the world with the new lines. Many people trust this company more than many others because of the attention to detail and quality that they have always had.

Keurig is one of the newer players in the coffee maker game but that does not mean they are anything but great. They have makers that will do just about everything for you and they are of the best construction to boot.

Krups is a fine company that does offer some fine coffee makers. There have been a few problems with the company as they were plagued by some recalls when they tried to out-source some of the products and took a big hit in the process.
read more “Top 5 Best-Selling Coffee Makers”

the most popular beverage the world over
has been in use from time immemorial. The making of coffee has always been a matter of interest and innovation and has undergone drastic changes over time. The evolution of coffee making from the early boiling of ground beans
and then the conventional filter over a small pot of boiled water
has finally reached modern standards.

The wide variety of coffee that is available in the markets and coffee shops induced the modern home maker to go for a coffee maker to enjoy the luxury of a satisfying cup of coffee of choice at any given point of time. Today the espresso coffee and cappuccino coffee that were once available only in restaurant or a modern coffee shop can be easily made and enjoyed at the comfort of home with the help of a coffee making machine.

The coffee maker is an innovation of the advanced technology and rich experience. The machine has a built in grinder to have a fresh ground beans that saves the job of grinding outside giving each cup of coffee with freshly ground beans. The proper mix the machine makes make available strong coffee with proper flavor and rich aroma. The espresso coffee maker on the other hand also adds proper quantity of milk at the most appropriate temperature and time
challenging even the most gifted human coffee maker in the world.

The utility of this home product has made this kitchen marvel
a common item in the modern kitchen at par with the micro wave oven or the electric kitchen mixer. Coffee makers are plentiful in the market in various sizes and capacities. However
the smaller machines are the one most in demand. The single cup coffee maker has flooded the market since many of the families have either few coffee drinkers or they prefer to reduce the intake of caffeine.

The quality of coffee comes from its flavor
aroma and taste in that order resulting from the proper mix of milk
water and the best ground beans in the market. It is said that the best beans make the best coffee. The best coffee beans of the world are obtained from the Central America
and some parts of Africa and Asia having identical climate. The beans grown in this area has the perfect flavor and quality. The best ground beans also need a perfect blend of milk and water to produce the best coffee.

The roasting of the beans is an art though the method differs. The objective is to get the beans roasted up to the point when the beans give the best flavor and Aroma. Many a drink has come and gone but this beverage still remains the most liked and favored. It is not the beans not even the process of roasting and grinding but the skillful art of coffee making that made this drink irresistible through out the ages.
read more “Today s Coffee Makers”

Most people who love specialty coffee drinks eventually purchase an espresso maker. With a good one
you can make all your favourite drinks in the comfort of your own kitchen and try out a new recipe or two. Since this is a large investment
you should spend some time learning about these machines before you buy. Learn about the features available and then read some reviews to find the best machine for your home.
Common Types of Espresso Maker
Manual Espresso Makers
Manual machines require you to do all the work. You measure and grind the beans
tamp the grounds and brew the coffee. These are the least expensive machines. Some avid espresso drinkers will only use a manual machine.

Semi Automatic Machines
Semi automatics do some of the work for you. You adjust the water temperature and pressure. Grind and tamp the beans and the machine will do the rest. They are more expensive than a manual machine
but much more affordable than a fully automatic model. These machines are a good first cappuccino maker.

Automatic Machines
Automatic machines do the whole job for you. All you need to do is add the water and the beans. With the touch of one button
you will have a great cup of your favourite java drink.

Super Automatic Machines
Super automatics do everything from grinding and tamping the beans to the finished product. They pre infuse the beans with water for more flavour than other machines. The entire process is faster than regular automatics. These machines are often found in restaurants and coffee bars.
Great Espresso Maker Features
The features vary from machine to machine. When comparing two models
look at the features included with each to determine which will suit your needs better.

Bean Grinder
More expensive machines often have a built in grinder. The beans are ground for each individual cup. This results in more flavour from the oils inside the beans. The drink will taste fresh with this feature.

Milk Frother
For cappuccino or latte drinks
you will need a frother. This can either be a frothing wand or a separate milk container. More expensive models have a container.

Pod Compatible
Pods are small packets that consist of a filter material on the outside and ground beans on the inside. The pods are pre measured for one cup. Just put the pod in the machine and brew your coffee. Most people either love the pods for the convenience or hate them and lament the bitter taste.

Water Filter
Some of the more expensive machines have a built in water filter to remove chlorine or other chemicals from the water prior to brewing. These are mostly carbon filters. If your water is heavily chlorinated
you will notice the difference with a built in filter.

Cup Warmer
A cup warmer keeps the cup warm before brewing. This results in a hotter drink. This feature is usually located on the top of the machine.

Hot Water Dispenser
Some machines have a separate valve for dispensing hot water. This feature is great for making tea or hot chocolate. Most machines used in commercial establishments have this feature.

Some Other Things to Consider

o Steel or brass machines are best. Some people detect an aftertaste with aluminium machines.
o Look at the pump pressure on home coffee makers. More powerful pumps work will with finer grounds. You should have a minimum of 14 bars or more for pump pressure.
o Look for a removable water tank. This is easier for cleaning or emptying and will prevent stagnant water from collecting at the bottom of the tank.
read more “Tips For Buying A Great Espresso Maker”

When I was six years old
my granddaddy would take me and my twin brother to work with him. Granddaddy worked at night as a security guard
so it was no trouble at all for him to let us go to work with him. And it was just the three of us
so needless-to-say
my granddaddy let us go nut! And I'm sure we drove him nuts
as well.

We had the best granddaddy in the world
just as long as we didn't tell mom
he would let us swear
we could talk about sex
or anything else that we wanted to talk about
and the one thing that mom would have went crazy if she knew that he let us

That started a fire that still burns today. My granddaddy introduced me to the greatest drink ever. And still every time I take a drink of coffee
I think about those special times. But
back then
I drank coffee because grown-ups drank it and mom would not let us drink it because it wasn't good for us. I drink for different reasons
now. It really isn't as bad for you as you think.

I've done a lot of research on coffee
and drinking it is not as bad
for you
at all
much to my surprise.

what would you say if I told you there was a natural elixir that could lower your risk of diabetes
colon cancer
or Parkinson's disease? you would think I was crazy
right? Its true.

Researchers from Harvard University followed data on more than 126
people for 18 years
and what they found would surprise the heck out of you. The research found that drinking one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce diabetes by single digits. But
drinking six or more cups of coffee per day slashed men's risks by 54% and more than 30% in women. The more coffee you drink
the better it is for you.

Here's something else that you may not know. In males
drinking sperm stronger. The studies show that coffee consumption makes sperm swim faster and swim a longer distance. Coffee has actually been linked with infertility. This is a misconception.

Here are a few more points that I've found very interesting for you to read. Like both black and green tea
coffee contains antioxidants
which can help the cell mutation which may lead to cancer.

Surprisingly- given that coffee may be a migraine trigger- the caffeine may cure headaches. It is one of the ingredients in some pills because it increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers by as much as 40%.

Coffee consumption is also a brain stimulant. As coffee is a stimulant
it can help in concentration. Last year Dr Chiara Trombetti
of the humanities Gavazzeni institute in Italy
went as far as suggesting that a morning cup of milky coffee can get sleepy school children off to a good start. However
that is unlikely to be echoed by nutritionists here
who recommended sufficient sleep and good diet as better ways to cope with the mental demands of the brain.

Coffee even promotes liver health! Though doctors cannot explain the link
but studies have shown that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop liver disease
including Cirrhosis of the liver.

Coffee consumption even decreases the need for surgery on gallstones. Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. In one study
women who drank four cups of coffee each day were 25% less likely to need surgery for gallstones than women who weren't coffee drinkers.

Coffee consumption may actually be good for the skin. Caffeine appeared to improve micro-circulation when applied to the skin in one study
making cellulite look better.

I'm sure my Granddaddy didn't take all this information into consideration when he chose to be a coffee drinker. In fact I know he didn't
he chose coffee because he liked it
but he's almost 90 years old now
and I would like to think that his excessive coffee consumption had a little to do with him still being around
but in any case
I'm still glad he is.

As always
I hope you found this article both informative and entertaining. Thank you for reading
and may GOD bless you always
and in always.
read more “The Truth About My Granddaddy s Coffee”

Oolong tea has a long and rich history that includes being one of the plants that were grown and prized by ancient Chinese emperors and today is prized for its many known health benefits around the world. The history of the plant that is botanically known as Camellia sinensis has been used throughout history for good health
healing and averting illness. These tea leaves generally originate from the Fuijan Province of China or the mountains of Taiwan and can also be referred to as Wu-Long tea. There is some evidence that the tea leaves from this region have a history of at least four hundred years; arriving toward the end of the Ming Dynasty.

This tea now known for ensuring many different health benefits can be found as straight oolong tea or with other enhancements such as jasmine
orange blossoms and others.

The process of manufacturing the tea is done with utmost care and in a fashion that has transcended the ages; from the time it is picked until the time it is packaged it undergoes a careful hand process. After the leaves are picked they are laid out to dry for a short amount of time where the oxidation process begins. Then the leaves are placed in baskets and shaken in order to bruise them. This exposes the juice of the leaves to the air whereby the oxidation process continues after which the leaves are laid out to dry for a second time. This process will oxidize the leaves from 20-80%
depending on the type of final product desired. The leaves will then be fired to halt the oxidation. Then they are sometimes rolled while still freshly roasted and fired several more times. As a way of finishing the process the leaves are completely cooled and then fired a final time to give the oolong tea the special flavor while reserving the healthful properties of the leaves.

Tea of all types have been under the microscope of late
and oolong tea has been studied and found to have numerous antioxidants
vitamins and minerals along with polyphenols
which all fit into a healthful regiment. Polyphenols that are found in oolong tea have the ability to remove free radicals
which are known for prematurely aging the skin along with causing the dark spots associated with aging. Free radicals have also been associated with hindering the immune system and they are also associated with cancer cells as well as muscle tissue deterioration or damage.

Oolong tea is also known for enhancing the function of enzymes
which in turn are known to dissolve triglycerides. These are the fatty deposits in the body and therefore it can aid in a weight loss regiment. There have been clinical trials done and it was found that this type of tea can raise the metabolic rate
which speeds up fat oxidation and the catechin polyphenols raise the rate that calories are burned in the body. This in turn means that oolong tea has the compounds in it to aid directly in weight loss. It is also an aid in reducing blood pressure that will in turn help to prevent hypertension; this is because of its ability to use the fatty deposits in the body as fuel for energy.

There is also possible evidence that along with the caffeine there is also an increase in stamina
which can help in an exercise regiment. Caffeine is also known to stimulate the frontal cortex of the brain; this helps in memory function and enhances the thought process.

There are other health benefits that have long been believed by Chinese herbalists such as the properties in oolong tea to reduce tooth decay and to aid in speeding oral healing because of tannic acid that is present in the tea. They also believe oolong tea assists in aiding the kidneys
as well as improving the utilization of glucose
which in turn aids the regulation of insulin.

Research and studies have shown that the Chinese who are known for their consumption of drinking have significant lower incidences of heart disease and prostate cancer than other ethnic groups. There is also scientific evidence that tea can also be an aid in breast cancer treatment
when used along with tamoxifen.

A recent study of Japanese elderly demonstrated that those who consumed two cups of tea per day had a lower chance of cognitive impairment by approximately fifty percent. Other studies have pointed to tea’s positive impact on the onset of Alzheimer’s.

While there is evidence that oolong tea and tea in general can benefit the health of the body there is also the fact that this tea is consumption friendly. Unlike vitamins
health drinks and other health foods and drinks that are supposedly good for promoting health
oolong tea has a taste that is a pleasure to drink – and it is rehydrating
and nourishing.

This is a tea that has the ability to be flavored with different herbs and florals as well as served alone. Alone it can be dark in color with a robust taste that includes a hint of raisin
honeysuckle or almond. It can also be light and floral if only partially oxidized. Flavored oolongs can be found with names and tastes such as ginger peach oolong tea
orange blossom and plum oolong tea and others. Each of these teas has their own unique flavor and some have history behind their name like the Oriental Beauty
which received its name from Queen Elizabeth II. She named the tea after a tea merchant who brought it from Asia. The name is still used today.
read more “The Health Benefits Of Oolong Tea”

We don't see as much plain coffee these days as we used to. What could be the reason for it? It's probably because it is very easy these days to brew up a cup of gourmet coffee for your family
and acquaintances. There are now coffee clubs and coffee social areas where coffee is taking on the look of a social group. These meeting places can take place within the shops and community or on the Internet.

Gone are the days when you just went to a coffee shop to get a regular cup of coffee.

This is a happening because of an obsession by coffee fans all over America for the gourmet or specialty coffee. These people visit all the coffee specialty stores and order it from catalogues or the Internet. They love grinding the coffee beans themselves. And when they take trips to places like Costa Rica
they look for and bring back the specialty coffees. Now we have "coffee tasting" events much like wine tasting.

There is even interior design products and furniture coming on the market touting a coffee theme -- great gifts for the coffee fan.

Coffee had its beginnings as a stimulant in 900 A.D. It has also had its beginnings in a variety of uses such as a medicine and a wine. Nothing is much different today.

Coffee is one of the few untouched products over time but that is quickly changing. People are coming up with all sorts of ways to improve its flavor and aroma and will probably keep doing it well into the future.

And coffee shares a good chunk of the world's market. It is second only to oil in dollar volume as a world commodity.

People also these days are constantly trying to reduce their caffeine intake. A pound of coffee has half the caffeine as a pound of tea yet we get more caffeine in a cup of coffee? Why? It is because a pound of tea will give us 160 cups of coffee and a pound of coffee only gives us 40. This may disappoint those of you who have to drink decaffeinated coffee but hate the taste of it.

it is interesting to note
that when you grow coffee at high altitudes
the result is less caffeine. This is probably one of the advantages of gourmet coffee in that it is grown at much higher altitudes than the standard grocery store blends.

There are a variety of different types of coffee beans -- too many for this writing. Some beans we will mention are:

You have Latte
lightly-spiced Arabian with no filter
Black Forest
Cafe au Lait
Alpine which has brown sugar
a Spanish coffee bean meaning "with honey": Caf‚ con Miel
and (Spanish for coffee with honey)
and Cafe de Olla (which is sweet and made with chocolate).

Go and enjoy a coffee tasting event when you get the chance. You will be happy to see that gourmet coffee is slowly migrating to the classification of "art form." At one of these events you could taste up to 2 dozen (or even more) blends. You could even leave as somewhat of a coffee expert. This would definitely be an activity to enjoy if you really like coffee.
read more “The Complicated Road To Complicated Coffee”

Coffee is a beverage
served hot or with ice
with or without cream and sugar
prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. These seeds are almost always called the coffee bean. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in adults today.

The coffee bean
contains chemicals which are mind-altering (in a way some find pleasing) to humans as a coincidental result of their defense mechanism; those chemicals are toxic in large doses
or even in their normal amount when consumed by many creatures which may otherwise have threatened the coffee beans in the wild.

A coffee bean from two different places usually have distinctive characteristics such as flavor (flavor criteria includes terms such as "citrus-like" or "earthy")
caffeine content
body or mouthfeel
and acidity. These are dependent on the local environment where the coffee plants are grown
their method of process
and the genetic subspecies or varietal.

Some well-known arabica coffee beans include:

* Colombian - Coffee was first introduced to the country of Colombia in the early 1800's. Today Maragogype
Typica and Bourbon cultivars are grown. When Colombian coffee is freshly roasted it has a bright acidity
is heavy in body and is intensely aromatic. Colombia produces about 12% of the coffee in the world
second only to Brazil.

* Colombian Milds - Includes coffees from Colombia
and Tanzania
all of which are washed arabicas.

* Costa Rican Tarrazu - from the Tarrazu Valley in the highlands outside of San Jos้
archetypal estate coffee is La Minita.

* Guatemala Huehuetenango - Grown at over 5000 feet in the northern region
one of the most remote growing regions in Guatemala

* Ethiopian Harrar — from the region of Harar

* Ethiopian Yirgacheffe — from the area of the town of Yirga Cheffe in the Sidamo (now Oromia) region of Ethiopia

* Hawaiian Kona — grown on the slopes of Hualalai in the Kona District on the Big Island of Hawaii.

* Jamaican Blue Mountain — From the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica. Due to its popularity
it fetches a high price in the market.

* Java — from the island of Java
in Indonesia. This coffee was once so widely traded that "java" became a slang term for coffee

... and more.

Some coffee bean varieties are so well-known and so in-demand that they are far more expensive than others. Jamaican Blue Mountain and Hawaiian Kona coffees are perhaps the most prominent examples. Often these coffee beans are blended with other
less expensive coffee beans and the suffix "blend" added to the labelling
such as "Blue Mountain blend" or "Kona blend" even though they only contain a small amount of the coffee bean mentioned.

One unusual and very expensive variety of robusta is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak and the Philippine Kape Alamid. The coffee bean is collected from the droppings of the Common Palm Civet
whose digestive processes give it a distinctive flavor.
read more “The Coffee Bean”

There are many different coffee makers available in the marketplace to choose from. One of them is the Bunn Coffee maker. The Bunn Coffee Maker is made by the Bunn-O-Matic Corporation. The Bunn-O-Matic Corporation was founded in 1957 and they are credited with introducing the first paper coffee filter. Over the years the company has evolved and started making commercial beverage equipment and
more recently
home coffee brewers. There are seven different types of Bunn Coffee brewers available which include; My Caf้ Brewer. My Caf้ Brewer brews one cup of coffee at a time. The Bunn coffee makers take pride in brewing coffee at home that matches the standards of the expensive restaurant cups of coffee. They have a stainless steel tank with an advanced spray head
which dissipates the water over the coffee
and a very effective hot water heater. The coffee machines are either black or white with a stainless steel trunk which allows them to blend with any of the home d้cor styles. The decanter on most of the machines can hold up to ten cups of perfectly brewed coffee. Bunn also makes the BCG Grinder for pre-grinding your coffee beans.

The Bunn Advantage claims that Bunn Coffee makers brew coffee that is robust in flavor without the common bitterness encountered with some coffee machines. Bunn Coffee makers do this by using a patented system that keeps the temperature at the ideal brewing temperature of 2000 Fahrenheit. The coffee maker has a fast brew cycle which exposes the water to the ground coffee beans for the perfect length of time for a perfect coffee flavor. The Bunn Coffee maker creates the right amount of turbulence via its spray head to suspend the ground coffee and extract it’s flavor uniformly for the perfect cup of coffee.

How to Use a Bunn Coffee Maker

Start with a good quality coffee that has been well stored. The coffee maker requires one tablespoon of ground coffee for one brewed cup. Use good clean odorless water preferably water that has been filtered. If you need to keep your coffee for more than 30 minutes store it in a thermal carafe; it can hold its flavor here for up to 60 minutes. Clean your decanter after every use
even the faintest trace of old coffee can taint your fresh pot.

Bunn Coffee maker replacement parts can easily be obtained from vendors and from the manufacturer. Parts for the Bunn coffee maker are easily accessible. On the companies website you can find access to customer service representatives who can answer your questions and help find the replacement part or accessory that you need. Bunn coffee makers are available at many different locations. You can purchase your coffee maker online at the different sites of the coffee makers distributors. There are Bunn coffee makers and replacement parts available on the different auction sites online; this allows you to purchase your coffee maker at a discounted price.
read more “The Bunn Coffee Maker won t leave a bitter taste in your mouth.”

Keeping our brew fresh and hot is a big deal for some of us coffee drinkers. There is nothing worse than a tepid mouthful of stale coffee. How you keep your coffee hot depends a little on where you are and what you're doing. What happens to coffee as we keep it warm? Are there things I should never do to keep my coffee warm? Knowing a little more about coffee will help you understand how to keep it hot and tasting great.

This little set of points should help you out in most situations.

- Use a thermal cup or mug for commuting or to keep it hot for short periods of time
- Glass and stainless steel thermos style bottles barely effect coffee taste at all
- French Press brewers (like Bodum) are not good for keeping coffee hot. They continue to brew and can produce very bitter coffee
- Try to not use direct heat from an element or hotplate if possible
- A sealed or closed container slows the loss of essential aromas that influence coffee flavour.
- You get the best flavour from coffee that is kept at least 170F.

There are a number of taste related components in a cup of coffee that change or degrade over time. This means that the taste of a cup of coffee will continue to change
for the worse most would say
just because time passes. The best way to manage this problem is to simply brew smaller amounts of coffee more frequently. As we all know
the best cup of coffee is a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

So as you get your next pot of coffee ready
think about how you are going to consume it. If you plan on having it right away
no problem. But if you are thinking about drinking it over a longer period of time
keep the points we made above in your mind. Plan out how you will keep it hot and tasting fresh. Only then start the brew.
read more “The Best Ways To Keep Coffee Hot”

Coffee in the morning. Coffee at the office. Coffee in the afternoon or after dinner. Coffee consumption is a ritual of enormous proportion and that has feed the need for the ever faster and more efficient way to make the coffee.

Coffee makers have evolved like everything else in the world of technology. A simple filter over a pot of steamy water is ancient history. The coffee makers we find today do it all and do it better than ever before.

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

There are so many new kinds of coffees and ways to take it that you almost need an English to Coffee dictionary to interpret for you at the coffee shop. Even more revealing is the fact that many people want to have these exotic mixes and brews in their own homes to enjoy any time of day or night.

Home coffee makers don’t just make regular coffee. There are Espresso Maker machine and Cappuccino Makers that make what one could only find at a nice restaurant a decade or two ago. Now these machines at home can grind fresh beans into the perfect recipe and dispense the perfect cup.

The Machines Behind the Madness

Coffee makers are machines of fine craftsmanship and technological wonders all blended into one. The build-in grinder for example
allows you to have a freshly ground cup that is strong and flavourful without having to grind it at the grocery store or specialty shop. Each cup has its own freshly ground beans. Bunn is one such manufacturer of the combination coffee maker.

The espresso machine or cappuccino maker can add milk at just the right time and temperature so the art of making it yourself is easy to master. (Your guests need never know you didn’t figure it out on your own.)

Today’s kitchen is rendered almost obsolete if it doesn’t contain one of the latest coffee makers. The single cup coffee maker is a growing trend as people are trying to cut down on the caffeine. The single cup maker is also ideal if there is only one coffee drinker in the house or if you usually take your coffee at the office.

Let’s Talk Beans

Part of what makes a great cup of coffee is the beans. The other part is how well the coffee maker can accurately blend that perfect balance between water and coffee grounds. Most of the world’s coffee is grown in a belt consisting of a latitude around central America and around the globe through Africa and Asia. It is this climate that gives the beans the right conditions and perfect growing season so beans can be naturally brought to ripeness.

The next step is the roasting of the beans. The methods vary
but the goal is the same. The idea is to roast the beans to the point they are the most flavourful and aromatic.

Of all the drinks to come and go
coffee remains internationally neutral and has proven a staple of homes world wide for generations. The only difference is in how simply and skilfully it is made. The coffee makers behind the beans have taken coffee making to an art form.
read more “The Best Picks For Home Coffee Makers”

Could there be anything better than a hot
fresh brewed cup of coffee? As you open that can of pre-ground Maxwell House Coffee
did you even know that coffee comes in different roasts? Did you know that you can roast your own coffee beans at home? If you think that the aroma of your fresh ground coffee beans can't be beat
get a home coffee roaster
you'll be in Java Heaven.

Roasting the coffee beans is what imparts flavor. Similar to the making of a fine wine or a hand rolled cigar
some consider the roasting of coffee beans as an art. Those that describe coffee use some of the same vocabulary they use to describe wine. Depending on the roast level chosen the beans take on different flavor characteristics. The lighter the coffee bean the less flavor it will have
the darker the coffee bean the stronger the flavor it will have.

There are generally four different categories of roast. A light roast (American)
a medium roast (Breakfast)
a dark roast (French)
and darkest roast (Italian or espresso). Each type of roast imparts a different appearance to the coffee beans.

When a coffee bean is roasted to an American roast the beans will have a very light color to them and they will appear dry. A medium roasted bean
or Breakfast roast will have a rich brown color and will be oily in appearance. A French roasted coffee bean will have a very oily appearance with the beans appearing very dark brown. The darkest roasted beans or Espresso beans will appear black.

Coffee roasting can easily be done in your home. Depending on the roast that you desire you can roast coffee in five to fifteen minutes. Green beans are available online from a number of sellers
as are coffee roasters. Choose different types of green coffees to sample. Drum roasters are very popular for use in the home. It's best to consider purchasing a roaster as it will give you the most consistent finish to your beans. Some try to roast beans in frying pans
some use hot air popcorn poppers. While each of these techniques will work
as mentioned above they don't give a consistent finish to all the beans and you will most likely be disappointed in the result.

read more “The Art Of Coffee Roasting”

What is the appeal of being an avid coffee drinker? I believe I have broken in down to three reasons. The first one obviously is the great taste of coffee. The second reason is the social factor that drinking coffee provides
and the third reason is that coffee allows us a time to refocus on our lives. I know
I can sense that most readers are rolling their eyes
but hear me out.

If you drink coffee once a week
or maybe two to three times a week
or maybe you’re like me and you drink coffee every day
by the way that would make you a coffee addict
then I’m sure we would all agree on this one statement. “We enjoy the taste of coffee.” We appreciate a great cup of rich
eye opening coffee. Humans have been enjoying the great taste of coffee for a thousand years so I believe this statement to be 100% accurate. If you disagree then you are probably not an avid coffee drinker.

By Nature
human beings are social creatures and coffee shops allow us to fulfill this need. Drinking coffee allows us to sit with friends and family and discuss various topics of our lives. Where else can you go and spend just a couple of bucks
for your coffee of choice and spend a good hour or so talking with good friends. Add a couple of comfortable chairs and pipe in some good music and you’re set.

Drinking coffee also gives us a time to take a few moments to refocus on our lives. If you are drinking a cup of coffee alone it gives us a few minutes of relaxation from this fast paced world. This is a perfect time when we can reflect on our past
and future. It might even be a time when we decide to make life changing decisions
such a career change
or having children.

I know there are many other reasons why people enjoy drinking coffee but these three seem to be the most important reasons. You may agree or disagree with these reasons but again I believe one reason to be true. We enjoy the taste of quality coffee.
read more “The Appeal of Coffee Drinkers”

Coffee is a drink produced from the coffee grains. It is stimulating
because it contains caffeine. The use of the drink of the coffee had its origin in Kaffa
today Ethiopia
when a shepherd called Kaldi observed that his goats were smarter and hopping around when eating the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree. He tried the fruits himself and he felt happier and with bigger vivacity. A monk of the region discovered this and started to use an infusion of the fruits to resist sleeping during his prayers.

The effect of the drink was spread
and in the16th century coffee was used in the east
being toasted for the first time in Persia. The coffee had enemies even between the Arabs who considered that the effects of the drink of coffee were against the laws of the Prophet Mahmed. However
as soon as the coffee won these obstacles
even the Arabian doctors adhered to the drink to help the digestion
to cheer the spirit and to stay awake
according to writers of that time.

In Arabia
the infusion of the coffee received the name of "Kahwah" or "Cahue"
meaning in Arab "force". The classification - Arabian Coffea was given by the scholar Lineu.

In 1675
the coffee was taken to Turkey and Italy
but the drink considered Arabian was forbidden to the Christians and it only was allowed after the Pope Clement VIII tried it.

In its travel around the world
the coffee arrived Java later
reaching Holland and
thanks to the dynamism of the Dutch maritime commerce executed by the company of Occidental India
the coffee was introduced in the new world
spreading itself through the Guyanas
Santo Domingo
Puerto Rico and Cuba.

The commercial establishments in Europe made solid the use of the drink of the coffee
and diverse houses of coffee had been world-wide known
as "Virginia Coffea House"
in London
and the "Coffee of La R้gence" in Paris
where famous names as Rousseau
Richelieu and Diderot congregated.

Here goes a tip: if you’re a guy
don’t think that you are the only one that is going to be more vivacious and have more energy when you take a cup of coffee. Beyond you – believe it or not – your spermatozoa will obtain the same effects. This is what a Brazilian urologist concluded after coordinating a research
which turned international notice after being presented by him in a conference in San Antonio
United States. The results show that the men who take at least one cup of coffee on a daily basis present greater movement of the sperm. In other words
the spermatozoa have more energy and are quicker
increasing the possibility of making a woman pregnant. "The caffeine can increase the use of energy of the sperm
as if it were a stimulant. It is as if the spermatozoon took an energetic"
explains the researcher.

To affirm this
the semen of 750 fertile men and with active sexual life was tested by him. "Who takes coffee does not produce more sperm. The only alteration observed was in its quality of movement
independently of the amount of coffee ingested daily"
explains the urologist. In numbers
between the men who take coffee
of the spermatozoa had mobility enough to arrive at the ovule
against 54% that did not take it. Now
the doctor will test men with fertility problems. "Depending on the results
we can suggest to the patient with little movement of the spermatozoa to take a cup of coffee”.
read more “The Amazing Discovery Of The Stimulating Influence Of Coffee.”

Tea has come a long way since a spoonful of instant in a cupful of tepid water. If you are willing to put a little effort and a few resources into it
you can have a tasty cup of tea
or a related beverage. Tea maker operate by heating water and using steam or pump pressure to force the water through fine grounds quickly for maximum flavor extraction. Steam can then be diverted through a nozzle to foam milk for cappuccino. Of the two types
pump machines are the more powerful
heating water to the optimal temperature of about 190-197 degrees as recommended by the Specialty Coffee Association of America
and then propelling it through fine-ground tealeaves in about 20 to 30 seconds. The fast rate of expulsion produces a rich layer of foam
known as crema
which is the mark of great espresso. Though steam machines do not possess the power of pump machines
they do produce a good strong cup of espresso and are generally smaller and less expensive than pump models.
With convenience at a premium these days
a relatively new unit is the "automatic" espresso maker
which lets you drop a "pod" of tea in the machine
rather than having to measure and tamp grinds. Today's consumers demand more functions and versatility than ever. Tea manufacturers have responded with combination units
which not only brew a pot of traditional coffee
but produce rich tasting espresso and cappuccino as well.
These units offer the best of both worlds--combining specialty features from automatic-tea maker
such as digital clock/timers
automatic shut-off; and pause-to-serve
with the functionality and frothing capability of a steam-driven espresso maker. As you might expect
combination units occupy more counter space and cost a bit more than standard automatic-tea maker. Depending on the functions you are looking for
getting two machines in one may turn out to be a bargain.
read more “Tea Maker The Perfect Solution in Preparation of Loose Tea”

We all enjoy a good cup of coffee to keep us refreshed and alert
but in today’s world of freeze dried and instants it is difficult to get that real coffee taste and aroma – in fact some people have never experienced anything other than instant
thus missing out on a truly rich and flavorsome taste. A coffee grinder is a piece of equipment that can put an end to the need for tasteless
weak drinks
enabling you to enjoy a taste that is full bodied and full of flavour. You can get a wide range of grinders these days to suit all sorts of tastes and budgets
and by investing in a good quality grinder you can start enjoy the aroma and flavour of real coffee within your own home. Anyone that has tried the real thing compared to instant and freeze dried will be well aware of the taste difference – and you will find that the low cost of this type of equipment is well worth it for the incredible taste and flavour that you will enjoy.

No kitchen should be without a good quality coffee grinder

In any modern kitchen there are some items that have become classed as essentials. Once classed as luxuries
many items of equipment such as grinders
cappuccino makers
espresso makers
and other drinks makers now adorn homes all over the world. Thanks to the increasing value for money offered on these products more and more people can afford to experience the great taste and flavour on offer. The Internet is an excellent place to enjoy a great choice of grinders offering an excellent array of features. No matter how simple or elaborate a machine you are looking for
you will find the perfect grinder amongst the wide selection available online. And
as with many items when you shop online
you can look forward to great discounts and prices on the cost of this type of equipment
making it more affordable than ever.

Enjoy the sleek designs and modern features of today’s grinders

The grinders of today boast some fabulous
and innovative designs
which means that they can look great in just about any house. Whatever design or d้cor you have opted for you will find a grinder that fits in well with all of your other appliances as well as with the theme of the room. You can enjoy selecting from grinders from a wide range of highly reputable manufacturers too
which means that you can look forward to high quality and durability as well as reliability. Whether you only drink the occasional coffee or whether you enjoy this drink on a daily basis
you will be thrilled by the difference that a high quality grinder can make to both the taste and aroma of this beverage. You will enjoy the ultimate in freshness and flavour
and if you have never tasted freshly ground before you will be in for a real treat. As well as treating yourself to this incredible taste you will find that these grinders create the perfect beverage for entertaining
so your friends and family can also enjoy the great taste of real coffee.
read more “Taste The Difference When You Use A Coffee Grinder”

There are many different suggested ways to store coffee in order to maintain freshness. One of the suggested methods is to put your ground coffee or coffee beans in the freezer. Is storing coffee in the freezer a good way to maintain freshness? Let’s look at the pros and cons.

Freezing has been used for centuries as a way to extend the life of many foods. A diverse selection of foods can be frozen. Bread
vegetables and even butter can be successfully stored in your freezer. Freezing even maintains many of the vitamins and nutritional value of a wide variety of foods. Coffee
isn’t as likely a candidate for storage in the freezer.

Coffee has four main enemies against freshness: air
light and moisture. At first
freezing doesn’t seem to contain many of the offending enemies. However
appearances can be deceiving.

Coffee beans have been roasted in order to enhance flavor. The beans are also porous. Unfortunately a freezer can contain many other foods which have odors. The porous beans can absorb the flavors of many other frozen foods. Flavored coffees can be pleasant
but no one wants to drink seafood or garlic flavored coffee.

Moisture can also be absorbed by the coffee beans. Moisture can cause deterioration and loss of flavor. The more often you take coffee out of the freezer and put it back in
the more moisture absorption takes place into the bean. If you absolutely need to freeze some coffee because you have a large excess you’d like to keep
only freeze it once. The more you take it in and out of the freezer
the more damage you do.

Freezing also breaks down the oils in the beans. The oils contribute to the flavor of the coffee. Breaking down the oils means taking away flavor
and let’s face it
a large part of a good cup of coffee is the flavor.

When it comes down to it
freezing is not the best way to store your coffee. Keep coffee stored in a cool
airtight container away from light. Freezing coffee is possible
and is best if you only freeze it once. The resulting loss of flavor and quality from repetitive freezing makes it a method of storage to stay away from. Your best bet is to purchase only enough beans or ground coffee to supply you for 1-2 weeks. Enjoy the coffee at its freshest!
read more “Storing Your Coffee Should you freeze your coffee”

So what exactly is espresso coffee? An espresso coffee is sold at the caf้ in a small cup and is an extremely strong cup of coffee. Espresso is used in making caf้ latte
cappuccino and caf้ mocha. Espresso is made in the espresso machine by forcing about two ounces of hot water through tightly packed finely ground espresso coffee. The resulting liquid is a deep brown color with a slight froth on top. Espresso makers differ in the water temperatures
the fineness of the espresso coffee
the pressure with which the water is pressed through the coffee and how tightly the coffee grinds are packed in the machine.

There are many different types of espresso machines available in the market place today in different sizes
styles and abilities. Just like any other appliance it is important to do your homework before venturing out on your shopping excursion. Start by asking yourself how often will you use your espresso machine
what will you be using your machine for
how much are your willing to spend and are you willing to trade quality for price.

If you rarely partake in the espresso ritual and prefer an occasional cappuccino or latte
then don’t spend too much money on your machine. If you are a coffee enthusiast and have acquired a preference for espresso taste then a high end espresso machine is worth the investment. An espresso coffee machine doubles as both a coffee maker and espresso maker. If you have limited counter space and like the best of both worlds this machine gives you that option. Diligently compare espresso machines and find one with features that suit your particular need.

Do your homework before heading out. Make sure to read espresso machine reviews. These unbiased consumer reviews give valuable consumer insights. There are many places to purchase your home style espresso machine; kitchen supply stores
department store home sections
catalogues and online vendors. Make sure you purchase a machine that matches your level of expertise. Making espressos is considered an art with a professional espresso maker being referred to as a Barista. Being an espresso barista in some countries is considered a serious occupation requiring occupational training. Baristas learn and practice making a consistently high quality shot of espresso. They learn how to grind the perfect espresso coffee
how to pack the coffee right and how to operate the commercial espresso maker. Being a home espresso maker however does not require that you take Barista training. Home style espresso machines are simplified versions of the more complex caf้ style espresso maker.

Once you have purchased your espresso machine remember to purchase the accessories that make the espresso/cappuccino experience more enjoyable. There are special espresso cups and spoons and espresso machine cleaning brushes and detergents that can be purchased from different vendors online. It is important to care for your espresso machine as recommended by the manufacturer for the machine to last longer producing delicious tasting espresso each time.
read more “Steaming in with espresso machine tips.”

Have you ever tried a single cup coffee maker? These are a great addition to any coffee-drinking household. When I look at my parents
it's hard not to notice their love for coffee. Since they're in their 60s
they prefer a coffee pot drip beverage
over a caramel macchiato.

In fact
they will brew a pot of coffee two or three times on any given day. This is probably common in most households. The only problem with this system is it doesn't make much sense. I can't help but notice what they're wasting. Many times they will brew an entire pot of coffee simply to drink a single cup. That's not efficient.

this is why they invented the single cup coffee maker. The minute I spotted this cool innovation
I purchased one for my parents. With a single cup coffee maker
you don't have to brew that full pot every time.

This machine actually makes a single
fresh cup of coffee with no mess or waste. How cool is that? This is perfect for those who live alone
or merely want a single cup of coffee at a time. Not everyone drinks four or five cups straight like my father.

Isn't it time for that morning cup of java? This seems to be the trend in American households. We all want to wake up to that fresh aroma of quality coffee beans. In fact
many cultures have adopted the same regime.

It's been around forever. The old caffeine buzz is imperative to start our day off right. The big question these days concerns your coffee source or coffee machine. Where do you turn for your morning fix? Do you have a new-age espresso machine
or possibly stick with the old-school drip coffee pots? Either can make a great cup of coffee.

It just depends on your taste. Another cool addition to the world of coffee innovations these days is the single cup coffee maker. Ah
things just keep getting easier; don't they?

If you are in search of a single cup coffee maker
a great place to begin your browsing is online. The World-Wide-Web has a variety of single cup coffee makers to choose from. You can sort through customer reviews and find out what others have experienced before buying one in particular.

With a number of websites at your fingertips
you can surely pinpoint the least expensive single cup coffee maker that's right for you. That morning cup of java is no longer a hassle. You can have your cup at the push of a button these days.
read more “Some People Like To Make Coffee One Cup At A Time”

Oolong tea has been expressed as "Yu Xiang Hui Wei " as it goes through so many diversified manufacturing steps in order to produce a good flavor and fragrance. The tea consists of more than a few dozens of leaves that have special flavors and aromas due to differences in the leaves
the production area
and the harvest time. Among them
Tie Guan Yin
Shui Xian
and Oolong are well known
and many renowned oolong teas are produced in Fujian Province. Oolong tea produced in the Province is sold overseas throughout the world as the tea that is delegate of China
the home of tea.
Oolong tea from Taiwan is also known as Imperial Formosa Oolong. The first Europeans to visit Taiwan were Portuguese sailors
who were so impressed by the beauty of Taiwan that they called it Isla Formosa. This translates as "Beautiful Island" and although Taiwan is now a bustling modern country
the tea growing areas of the island are prime examples of its natural beauty. Most of the oolong tea produced in Taiwan is for local consumption. The Taiwanese are discriminating tea drinkers who demand the best.
There are many valuable reasons to drink oolong tea. First and chief one is the wonderful taste. Tea specialist the world over value Taiwan tea for its sweetness and density. The preparation and serving of Oolong tea is also a pleasant pastime that can be shared with friends and family. In Taiwan and elsewhere
drinking oolong tea is a social affair that solidifies relationships.
The best oolong tea from Taiwan is grown in the sky-scraping mountains. All the oolong tea sold here is high-mountain oolong that is handpicked and hand processed. These are artisan teas that have been produced with high concern. They are highly deserving of the name 'Imperial Formosa Oolong'.
Producing Taiwan oolong tea is an exacting and time-consuming process. The quality of the final product depends as much on the finishing as on the raw tealeaves. But make no mistake about the tealeaves - they are the heart and soul of oolong tea and the reason it is so valued. Taiwan tea farmers are increasingly adopting organic growing practices because of the higher quality tea these methods produce.
read more “Some of the Valuable Reasons to Drink Oolong Tea”

There are a number of countries that produce coffee and new regions are converting their crops to the mighty bean as our demand for different tasting coffee increases. We are also adding more exotic flavourings to our coffee. It comes as no surprise that the number of coffee shops and stores that sell coffee beans and all the associated paraphernalia to be able to make our own perfect coffee at home.

Coffee houses are a great place for us to go and relax with friends and family over an expertly made cup of coffee. We often ignore how much effort has been put into our drink by the coffee maker that roasts the beans
grinds them up and then uses the exact quantity required to brew a satisfying cup of coffee for us. There are a number of techniques involved in making a cup of coffee and a lot of us are happy to leave someone else to make it for us. The equipment used is only part of the story; you also need to practice with various quantities of coffee and water until it reaches your optimum strength.

We are almost overwhelmed by the huge variety of types of coffee that are available. Not only does the coffee taste different depending on the country and region that the beans were grown in but also from year to year. This is due to the changes in weather from one coffee growing season to another.

If you go to a specialist coffee shop you are likely to be confronted with a huge selection of flavourings that you can add to your coffee to make it even more to your liking.

The strength and bitterness of the coffee can be adjusted by using different quantities of water and coffee
adding sweeteners and milk as well as adding milk. One tip for lowering the bitterness level is to never use boiling water as this scalds the coffee and gives it a bitter taste. Always use water that is just below boiling temperature when making your coffee.

Everyone has their own opinion about what makes the perfect cup of coffee but you will find your own technique through trial and error.
read more “Simple Gourmet Coffee”

“Joe was on the department store one day in search for a coffee machine he will use at his kitchen. He scanned and looked around for several brands just to make sure he ended up with the perfect one. Few minutes later
he was on his way home. When he arrived
he set up his brand new coffee machine on the kitchen. In the first few days
the machine worked perfectly. But after some time
he discovered that it was not the right one for him. He wanted more and can’t have it with his present coffee machine.”

Most people experience this. They buy what they think are the mort attractive coffee machine on display but ending up disappointed because it seems that their choice is wrong. But it does not automatically exclude that fact that there are those who have somehow landed on the perfect coffee machine. It is just there are more and more people craving to have the perfect coffee machine without knowing what they really want. So in order to put everything in place
this article may help you or ever improve your chances in bringing home the right coffee machine by determining different kinds of coffee machine available.

There are as many types of coffee machine makers as the types of coffee around the world and choosing the right one has to be perfect so as not to end up buying another set few days later.

The most popular coffee machine must be the percolator. It might not be your expected electric coffee machines but this type makes great tasting coffee by boiling water with coffee beans several times. This is perfect if you are going to use mild coffees.

For more flexible coffee mixture
the drip coffee machine might be right for you. There are two types of drip coffee machines: automatic and manual. Both use filters of nylon
or gold. Temporary filters are also essential that is usually paper filters. The method of automatic drip is to pour cold water to the reservoir and place coffee on the filter. When the coffee machine reaches the right water temperature
it will pour to the coffee in the filter.

The automatic drip also has a wide array of great designs from different coffee machine manufacturers with lots of features you can use. Manual drip on the other hand has the same principle with that of the automatic.

The main difference is that the manual has greater flexibility that enables the owner to change
the taste of the coffee in the middle of the brewing. If in the automatic drip you cannot add more coffee once you close the lid
the manual gives you all the freedom to keep the right taste you want without worrying of spillover.

One drawback from the drip coffee machine though is the after taste of the paper filter.

Another type of coffee machine is the French press. All you have to do is the mix coffee beans and hot water and you can have a great tasting coffee in no time. If you don’t mind the temperature of the coffee
you can consider French press.

Espresso coffee maker is another type of coffee maker you can have. There are two types of these: the stovetop and the electric. The stovetop is much cheaper than the electric with the same principle of making coffee. For some
this type of coffee machine makes the perfect cup of coffee.

There are more coffee machines available but basically these types are widely used. It is up to you then to choose from these.
read more “Search For The Right Coffee Machine”

The word "percolator" has come to mean that special coffee pot that used to sit on Grandma's stove and bubble away like mad all morning long. Typically they consist of a heat proof pot that holds the water
a long tube (like a straw) that holds a filter basket at the top. This filter is normally made of metal and holds the coffee grounds apart from the water in the main pot. Usually fairly oarsely ground coffee is used and a perforated lid is placed over the filter in order to distribute the water evenly over the grounds.

As the water in the pot reached the boil
it is forced up the tube and repeatedly spilled over the grounds in the filter basket. In this way both water and the freshly brewed coffee drips back down into the hot water and over the grounds. Gradually the coffee becomes stronger as the water/coffee continues to drip over the grounds. This process continues as long as the pot is kept at the boiling point.

Evn though we may hold special memories of percolaters
they are not a particularly good way to make a great cup of coffee. In fact many people rank percolator coffee right beside coffee boiled directly in the water! When it is made in a percolater a number of things happen that produce a less than perfect cup of coffee.

For starters
the water is overheated. Boiling water simply extracts too many of the unwanted bitter flavours in the coffee and should be avioded if possible (which isn't possible with a percolator). Also the coffee grounds become overextracted by repeatedly passing already brewed coffee back over the grounds. Finally the boiling/percolating action of the liquid tends to release many of the desirable flavours and compounds into the air. While this does produce a wonderful aroma of fresh coffee in the house
it can often lead to flat tasting coffee.

In the end
it is often best to avoid percolators if you can. There are other affordable ways of brewing great coffee
even if it may mean turning your back on wonderful aromatic memories.
read more “Percolators - Some Of The Basic Problems With Percolator Cofee”

You can make a difference in the world every day
simply by purchasing coffee.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters of Vermont is introducing Heifer Hope Blend
a new organic coffee whose sales will help improve the lives of small-scale coffee farmers in Guatemala. Forty cents of every bag purchased will be given to Heifer International
a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting hunger worldwide.

The partnership between Heifer and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters will bring needed assistance to impoverished farmers of the La Voz area in San Juan la Laguna and other communities in Guatemala.

Coffee prices today are so low that many small-scale farmers are unable to make a living growing coffee. With Heifer's help
the farmers at La Voz will learn to grow certified organic
shade-grown premium coffee. Green Mountain Coffee then will buy the coffee from the farmers at fair-trade prices - a guaranteed wage that is higher than what the farmers would get on the conventional market - and roast and package it as Heifer Hope Blend.

The farmers will earn a premium price and Heifer will extend its work to more poor families.

With the money earned by Heifer Hope Blend
Heifer also will help coffee-growing families diversify their sources of income by giving them livestock - cows
goats and other income-producing farm animals. This extra income means better nutrition
health care and education.

Since 1944
Heifer has helped millions of impoverished families move toward self-reliance by

providing them with livestock and earth-friendly agricultural training. Heifer then asks the families to "pass on the gift" by donating their animals' offspring to others
thereby helping to lift entire communities out of poverty.

Green Mountain Coffee has made a commitment to social responsibility and the environment

as well
annually setting aside 5 percent of its pre-tax profits to support charitable causes.

"We are truly excited about partnering with socially and environmentally responsible corporations such as Green Mountain Coffee
said Cynthia Hester, Heifer's director of corporate partnerships.
It's important that nonprofits find new ways of encouraging companies to extend their values into the nonprofit world."
read more “Organization Helps Change The World With Coffee”

I did all of the right things to make espresso at home. I bought myself a good espresso machine. I learned which espresso beans have the best taste and how to grind them to the correct fineness. I managed to insert the gadget with the grinds
known as a portafilter
into the espresso machine
lock it into place
turn on the machine and let her rip. Great espresso!

But I wanted a cappuccino. Sue wanted a latte. Time to figure out how to steam the milk.

Sue is always dieting
so she wants nonfat milk. I found out that low fat and nonfat milk foam really easily. Whole milk takes more practice. Same thing with half and half if you want a breve.

Some espresso machines have a built in steam nozzle and some don't. You may need to buy a separate steamer. I recommend getting an espresso machine with one built in. Saves space.

The first thing to do is to put that stainless steel pitcher and milk into the refrigerator to get cold. Always start with them cold. And then my next learning curve came with remembering to fill the pitcher about a third to a half full. Milk expands really well when it's steamed. It takes only once for it to foam up
overflow and hit the floor to remember to start with a pitcher no more than half full.

Start by putting the nozzle on the surface of the milk and turning the steam on full. The milk is going to begin to foam
so keep lowering the pitcher so that the nozzle is just under the surface of the milk. About a half inch will do fine. You can turn down the pressure when the foam really begins to rise
or just take the pitcher away. Now the milk is just about at the boiling point.

Now here is something important. Don't let it boil. This is another way to get the milk to overflow the pitcher. Or even worse
it will taste burnt. Ugh. Nasty.

Your steamed milk should have little bubbles all the way through it
and there should be a light foam on the top. There you are. That's it. Now you go make whatever espresso drink you want. Next up
you can start learning how to make all those fancy designs in the top.
read more “Okay I ve Made My Espresso Now What Do I Do With the Milk”

I will propose to you how to make a great cup of coffee. You can do it. There are a few secrets to the process. I will share these with you.

Start with the bean and pick your roast. Quality coffee can only come from a quality coffee bean that is properly roasted. The process of roasting a coffee bean is complex and can result in a given bean tasting very different depending on how it is roasted. If you desire a strong intense flavor to your coffee
choose a dark roast (ex: French Roast). If you like to a light flavor
less intense
choose a lighter roast.

Never use pre-ground coffee. Pre-ground coffee will lose its flavor and essence within a short period of time. Grinding before you brew will assure you that no flavor is lost due to time.

Always use cold filtered water when brewing your coffee. The water you use represents 98% of your cup of coffee. Filtering the water will remove impurities that could affect the taste. Poor quality water can come from a variety of sources. Example
older house will have older pipes. Theses pipes tend to give the water an off flavor. You will want to remove this by filtering. The basic rule is the better the water
the better the coffee.

Skip the paper filters and go for the gold. Yes
these are 23k Gold plated stainless steel filters. Paper filters will influence the flavor of the coffee in a negative manner. The Gold plated filters influence the flavor by allowing natural oils to infiltrate into your brew
adding a level of flavor and aroma you wont find with paper coffee filters. Another plus is that these filters can be reused over and over
and will last a very long time. Not only will your coffee be better
but you will be helping the environment by saving on waste.

Never over do it on the add-ins. Cut down on the sugar
and other flavor add-ins to really enjoy the true essence of the brew. If we disguise the coffee to much; we will never know the true taste.

Part of what makes a great cup of coffee is how and when we enjoy it. We all have our favorite time and rituals. For me
nothing beats enjoying a great cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and reading the paper.
read more “Making A Great Cup Of Coffee”

Drinking espresso has become a way of life for most people
particularly those who have heavy schedules and who take time out to relax with a cup of freshly brewed espresso or coffee.

Coffee is so popular it is believed that it comes next to water as a popular drink. The whole world loves a good cup of coffee that annual consumption can reach to as high as 400 billion coffee cups all over the world.

Most avid coffee or espresso drinkers can have a cup of espresso a day or even more
without knowing where this rousing beverage came from. That heavenly brew comes from coffee beans that are sourced from evergreen trees that are grown all over the world. The evergreen tree is widely grown in Latin America
Southeast Asia and in Africa.

While the word espresso may have come from an Italian word meaning express or fast
it really is a misnomer since espresso or brewed coffee have to undergo a process before one can enjoy its freshly brewed taste. To make a good espresso
one has to start with a good coffee variety that must have undergone proper grinding. A good espresso maker handled by a capable barista can yield an espresso that can taste heavenly. The goodness of an espresso can be determined even from its aroma alone.

Coffee drinkers who are serious about making good espresso should invest in a good espresso machine. Good espresso machines come in a variety of brands
sizes and prices. You need not spend more to get a good espresso machine because there are good espresso makers that are reason ably priced. When making the espresso
always remember to turn on the espresso machine and allow it to heat properly. Establishments that have fast espresso orders do not really put off their machines to make sure it is properly heated for every espresso order.

When buying coffee beans
it is better to grind them as you use them because keeping them even in a tight container after grinding can result to a loss of aroma. Attention should also be placed on the type of grinder being used
with conical burr grinders preferred than flat burr grinders. The grinder with a conical burr is preferred because it can grind the beans without heating them and lessening their aroma in the process.

While the kind of coffee beans used for the espresso must be chosen well
baristas should also make sure that only filtered water is used for the espresso as the water’s mineral content can affect the taste of the espresso.

When one finds a good coffee blend
the tendency is to buy more for storage. When you do this
do not commit the mistake of keeping coffee in the freezer or refrigerator. It is best to store them in a container that is foolproof and clean and place them in a dark and cool area.
read more “Making A Good Espresso”

According to 2005 National Coffee Drinking Trends
published by the National Coffee Association of U.S.A. Inc.
more than 53 percent of consumers age 18 and older drink coffee on a daily basis
up from 49 percent in 2004. That translates into 7.7 million new coffee drinkers.

With consumers enjoying a wider range of coffee drinks in offices
corner cafes and restaurants
they are also demanding better-tasting coffee at home. Here are a few ideas for a better brew:

* Pressure-brewed is best. In blind tests
more people prefer the taste of coffee that is high-pressure brewed
versus any other method. High-pressure-brewed coffee requires the use of pump-pressure coffee machines
like espresso machines.

* All pressure-coffee machines are not equal. There are several types of these machines. Steam-driven espresso machines create pressure in a closed boiler
then force the hot water through the coffee. Most can make up to 10 ounces of coffee at a time. A pump espresso machine pumps hot water through ground coffee faster than a steam machine
creating more pressure with better flavor and aroma.

Automatic coffee centers
like those from Jura-Capresso
provide maximum flavor and aroma because they grind the beans just before the high-pressure brewing process. These machines control all aspects of high-pressure brewing
resulting in a better quality beverage
regardless of whether you choose an espresso
latte or just a large cup of pressure-brewed coffee.

* Look for crema. Crema is thick frothy foam that sits on top of pressure-brewed coffee or espresso
trapping all the flavor and aroma underneath.

* A high-pressure-brewed coffee should always be the base for your cappuccino or latte. If you prefer cappuccinos or lattes
experiment with the amount of milk to suit your taste. Remember
coffee does not have calories
but milk does.

* Determine your price range. Take a look at your coffee-drinking habits. If you purchase two cappuccinos a day
you may be spending about $1
a year on gourmet coffee. For less than this
you can purchase an automatic coffee center from Jura-Capresso that produces the same quality found in the coffeehouses.
read more “Jazz Up Your Java at Home”

The island of Jamaican is known for many things
sandy beaches
reggae music
Bob Marley and coffee. The high regard for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee among avid coffee drinkers has driven its price up to between $26 and $40 a pound. What is it about this particular brew that warrants such a high price tag?

True to its name
Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is grown in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica
generally located between Kingston to the south and Port Maria to the north. Rising to 7
the Blue Mountains are the highest point in the Caribbean. The area is characterized by cool
wet weather and dark
rich soil with good drainage
ideal conditions for cultivating coffee. Though coffee is not native to Jamaica
it is the chief export of the island.

Not just any old cup of Joe can call itself Jamaican Blue Mountain. The Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica must certify every bag of coffee to ensure only the highest quality beans bear the prestigious trademark. The Board only recognizes beans grown in specific parishes of Jamaica: St. Andrew
St. Thomas
Portland and St. Mary.

The Coffee Industry Regulation Act established a system of three grades of Jamaican Blue Mountain based on the screen or size of the bean. The term screen refers to the literal screens of various dimensions used to sort the beans according to their size. The theory behind this practice is that beans grown in higher altitudes are larger and make better-tasting coffee than those grown in lower altitudes.

The rigorous quality standard for Jamaican Blue Mountain excludes beans that would probably be considered fine for other coffees. The screening process also helps to eliminate maragogipe (elephant beans). A mutant strain believed to have originated on Brazil
elephant beans are large
porous beans that seem to absorb the flavor of the soil they grown in. The jury is still out on their worth
but they are considered an insufferable defect for Jamaican Blue Mountain production.

At least 96 percent of the beans used must be of the same size and bluish-green tint. No more than two percent can stray from that standard in any way. Sour or black beans
or foreign matter of any kind
are considered unforgivable defects and do not fall under the two-percent rule. The most unbending benchmark is needed to maintain the traits that coffee drinkers have come to expect.

The geographical area that grows Jamaican Blue Mountain beans is relatively small and can only produce so much coffee. The limited quantity
the matchless quality resulting from painstaking cultivation
the alluring aroma and the renowned name of Jamaican Blue Mountain have undoubtedly contributed to its reputation as one of the most sought-after coffees in the world. As long as hard-core coffee drinkers continue to demand it
it will also be one of the most expensive.
read more “Jamaican Blue Mountain - Coffee worth every penny”

It is common knowledge that the caffeine content in coffee is not good for human health. In spite of that caffeine consumption the world over has increased in the past decade. If you are a regular hot coffee drinker and still not familiar with the health issues it poses
it might be worthwhile to read this article.

Tremendous amount of research time has been spent to study the effect of caffeine on people. Most of the findings have discovered that caffeine ( and coffee is one of the highest caffeine laced beverage
a lot higher than tea) has some kind of effect on almost all body parts. Serious health hazards such as rheumatoid arthritis and heart attacks have also been linked to coffee. The common ailments are increase in blood pressure ( can be fatal in individuals who already suffer from high blood pressure) and change in the level of stress hormones. Heart palpitations
jitters and weakening of the nervous system have also been associated with long time coffee drinkers.

One of the most harmful effects of hot coffee has been connected with pregnant women. Malformation or low birth weight is a chronic problem faced by doctors in cases where the mother has been a regular coffee drinker. Coffee is said to reduce the ability of the women’s body to absorb calcium and other important minerals which can have harmful results on the child. Lactating mothers are also warned against having coffee as that gets transferred to the child and the child may loose the ability to process caffeine in the long run.

The harmful effect of hot coffee is a debatable topic and people continue to take sides on this matter. It should be kept in mind that regular usage of coffee is definitely harmful for the health.
read more “Is That Hot Coffee Really Good For You”

An increasing number of us nowadays are wondering how to select a single serve coffee maker that will suit us best at home. These kinds of coffeemaker are designed to produce – as you might expect – a single cup of coffee at a time and they are becoming increasingly popular amongst all kinds of coffee drinkers.

In the past we’ve been a bit limited in our choices of coffee maker – we’ve often
for example
had to make a whole pot of fresh coffee just to enjoy a single cup but things are different nowadays.

The Advantages

The advantages of single serve coffee stations are primarily found in the fact that they can make just one serving of coffee at a time and that they work real quick as a consequence in comparison to multi serve machines. So
you won’t need to waste coffee or won’t need to make more coffee than you’ll actually drink in one sitting.

if you choose one of the new single serve pod systems as your final choice here
then you can simply slip a small individual coffee pod into the machine
make your cup of coffee and then throw the pod away. So
there’ll minimal cleaning up and maintenance to do as well!

You can even pick and choose the kinds of coffee you want to drink with these kinds of machines as the pods can come in various types
roasts and flavors. Major coffee companies that make coffee for these pods currently include some big names in the sector such as Douwe Egberts
Melitta and Folgers – so you’ll get a guarantee of coffee experience and quality at the same time as well.

Two Types

There are basically two ways to use a single serve coffee maker. In the first instance you can buy a conventional coffee machine that uses standard ground coffee via a normal filter system but which only brews a single cup of coffee at a time rather than making up a whole big pot. It is worth noting here that some of these machines may sometimes be able to brew up two cups instead of just one which could give you a little more flexibility.
In either case the machine here will brew up directly into your cup extremely quickly and efficiently. Some of these kinds of models even come with their own mug when you buy them!

As single serve machines go this kind of option is reliable but kind of uninspiring if you’re looking for something a little different in your coffee drinking. But
if you’re still wondering how to select a single serve coffee maker then this may be a good option for you if you simply want an affordable and compact coffee maker for one/two people. Some of these machines are real tiny nowadays and could easily just sit on the end of a desk for real ease of use without taking up too much space.

if you want something a little bit more exciting from a single serve coffee maker then you really should also consider something along the lines of one of these new pod systems we’ve already mentioned. These single serve machines (such as those in the Philips Senseo range
for example) are designed to take a single pod that contains a specific brand
roast or type of coffee at a time.

You unwrap the pod from its packaging
place it in the machine and it brews your coffee up for you into the cup. You can then simply throw the used pod into the trash. Again it’s worth noting that some pod systems can be purchased that will make two cups of coffee at a time.

Variety - The Spice of Life

These machines are so popular now partly because they are so convenient and reliable but also because they allow you to buy different varieties
types and flavors of coffee pods. So
you can pick and choose which kind of coffee you will brew at any given time of day without having to keep a huge stock of different types of coffee in your kitchen cupboards.

This does prevent you from having lots of large unopened bags of coffee going stale in your cupboards because you simply cannot drink them that fast. These pods are also all individually sealed so you won’t lose freshness as you may do once you open a bag of standard ground coffee.

One complaint that some pod machine users have is that the pods themselves are not always as cost effective as they may be. As you might expect you may have to pay a premium for convenience here so this kind of pod system may well work out to be more expensive to both buy the initial machine and the pods than if you were just buying a small single serve maker and regular bags of coffee.

One key thing to think about as you ponder how to select a single serve coffee maker is compatibility. Some pods can be used in other kinds of standard coffee makers so it’s worth while checking on compatibility with your manufacturer. And
some coffee pod systems offer the ability to add a normal filter to the machine so you can use them as a standard single serve machine with your own ground coffee.

Flexibility is vital here as you don’t want to buy a coffee maker or a pod system that limits your choices. Some pod systems
for example
will allow you to use other types of pods in the machine as well as those that are made for the particular model. This option is great as you get much more flexibility in terms of coffee drinking choice. However
some systems will only work with their own pods which could see you limited on choice and which could also cost you more in the long run.

It doesn’t really matter which system you decide suits you best at the end of the day. You may even opt for both choices! One last thing to remember is that you can get great discounts and bargains on standard single serve coffee makers
pod systems and the pods themselves if you shop around. Many pod system users
for example
shop around on the Internet and then bulk buy pods when they find a bargain.
read more “How To Select A Single Serve Coffee Maker”
